......thanks for the warm reception tonight. I drove in last night to a beautiful sunset on the western horizon as I drove from Milwaukee.
However today, Monday, you placed a 3 inch blanket of wet snow on the city before the colder temperatures arrived.
I knew what you had in store. I had done my research and packed accordingly. I would swim at the Dane County Y in the morning and get in an evening run before the temperatures plunged overnight.
I just didn't expect so much snow. And wind.
29 degrees with 15 MPH winds. Brrrr.
My run along the
Capital City Trail was very picturesque with the new layer of snow covering everything including the grass, trees and icy patches on the trail.
I followed the single wheel track of the
Surley Pugsley and even went down on the same icy patch that the rider did.
But that didn't deter me. I was enjoying my run of solitude.
However, when I reached the end of the trail I turned around to feel your chilling deception. No wonder the run was feeling so nice. Your winds were pushing me along through the snow covered trail and slushy intersections.
As I made the turn to make my way back to the warm confines of my hotel room you smacked me in the face. Your winds plastered my wind breaker against my chest and sliced through my two layers of gloves. My fingers could feel your icy grip despite my efforts.
But you underestimated me. There is no surrendering. There is no stopping my resolve to return to the hotel, fending off the cold biting wind.
Sure you can give me a little respite in the woods but rounding that corner I could feel your winds again pushing me back forcing me to give more than I wanted to during this recovery week.
The tracks I had made only 30 minutes prior were already disappearing under the fresh snow sweeping across the open fields. Were those my footprints or someone elses from an earlier walk? Even the groove left by the bicycle tires was filling in.
But my dear Madison, this is not the first time I have encountered your bitter cold. I have felt that sting before. I have also felt the warmth that you provide during the early fall months.
You must remember that I come from Cleveland. We share the same love/hate for the seasons. The cold gives way to the warmth or spring and summer. Then the cold returns in the late fall.
So I am wise to you Madison and I respect you. But you must also respect me.
I am Goruck Tough.
I am an Ironman.
And come September 8th I will become Iron again.
Game On Madison. Oh...and I'm bringing some friends too.
PS....I was in Madison for work and met with one of my co-workers Ed. I told him about my run and he agreed that it was cold out. In fact, Ed was the guy on the Surley. He hit his head so hard that if it wasn't for his helmet I might have found him there dead on the trail. AND...Ed will be doing IM MOO for the 10 year in a row come September....this is his last IM.