Training injuries have relegated me to the elliptical machine at the Y. I started with 45 minutes on the elip., then tried a short run on the treadmill but only lasted 5 minutes. Finished with 30 minutes back on the elliptical. Now I did manage to listen to Get Your Geek On #8 during my workout. I'll have to listen to it again in case I missed anything. To cap off the workout I did some upper-body weight lifting.
At home we had some errands to run and clean-up in the house. Aimee asked me to clean-out the fridge. You know, throw out the old stuff. Well that turned into pulling the shelves out, tossing old food, essentially detailing the fridge. It's nice and clean now.
So the rest of today is left to do other chores and relax.
Tomorrow the temps will be around 50 but raining. So my 2 hour ride will be on the trainer. No problem, just have to decide what movie to watch.
Mexico Trip 2025! (Post 1 of 2)
19 hours ago
Sorry to hear you are plagued with injuries. Hope you get the rest you need for a quick recovery.
Sorry about the injuries, but there's worse things than being confined to the bike and elliptical. I like to read magazines on the elliptical-- Runner's World, Bicycling, Inside Triathlon, and the like. It keeps my mind in the right groove. :-)
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