Weekend update - Saturday Brick
Below is the e-mail I sent my coach about my training day on Saturday. All I can say is that my IM bank account is getting huge.
I started preparing for a 7 hour training day Friday night by putting together my nutritional needs since I would be supporting myself. I knew it was going to be hot and humid. I might need some extra energy. In each bottle of Endurance Gatorade I loaded three (3) scoops of Carbo-Pro. I had 6 bottles ready to go. I also pulled out several Clif bars. For the run I had a flask with Hammer Gel and two water bottles.
I started Sat. morning around 7:00AM. I started at Station Road and followed the parkway out to Bonnie Park, this was the end of the first hour. Just as I planned I headed back to the parking lot to refuel for the remaining four hours. I had completed two bottles of fluid and one Clif bar, took one pee from the bike.
I started the remainder of the ride on the Death Ride route. I continued to eat and drink at 10 minute intervals. At about 3.5 hours my insides started to rebel. Actually they started to get clogged. Fortunately I was able to recognize the warning signs due to the camp talk by Jennifer. I was over loaded with carbs. Things were sitting in my stomach and couldn't get processed. I immediately started changing my nutrition. I stopped eating and filled one of my water bottles with water. I did this at the bottom of Rt 303 at the Peninsula Trailhead. I continued on the ride with a heavy stomach trying to drink water to help digest the contents of my stomach.
When I hit the bottom of Steeles Corners I took the Bath Road connector to Riverview Road and continued the Death Ride skipping the entire southern portion of the route. I was at 4 hours to this point, maybe a little bit over.
I rejoined the route at Martin Road. Still my stomach was heavy with food and backed up. Loading the bottles with 3 scoops of Carbo-Pro was the killer for me. If I hadn't done that I would have been fine. At hour 5 I hit Oak Hill, which is always fun during a long ride. After I made it to the flats I had to force myself to pee again. I wasn't worried about not peeing because I knew I had fluid in my stomach. I wasn't sweating profusely but that was another release of fluids from the body. I hadn't peed since the 1.5 mark of the ride. So I went about 3.5 hours without peeing.
After coming back down Stine Road to Riverview I stopped that Boston Store to load up with more water as I had completely given up on the Gatorade. I skipped Boston Mills Road going west and went up Snowville instead. I made my way down and around Brecksville Reservation, however I skipped Meadow Dr. and I made it back to the parking lot right at 6 hours.
I transitioned to my running shoes, grabbed my Fuel Belt and headed out for the 45 minute run. I ran down to Old Carriage Trail where I practiced my hill walking to try and keep my HR lower than Zone 4. I was still feeling heavy in the stomach but was able to start burping to release the pressure. I couple of times I had to walk as a burp was building up. On my return trip to the parking lot I started to feel better. My HR wasn't quite Zone 3 but I was moving at a good pace.
Back at the car I was able to start cooling off the body with the ice water from my cooler. I poured the water on me in an attempt to cool and clean myself. I finally looked at my bike computer. For my 6 hour ride I had accumulated just over 102 miles. I finally broke the 3 digit barrier during a single day of training. The run was around 5.5 miles with the time between 45-50 minutes.
After dinner my daughter and I saw the movie Cars. This is another good animated movie. We both liked it alot. Even if you don't have kids, treat yourself to some fun.
Your bank account is definitely bursting!
I've heard about mixing Carbo-Pro with Gatorade and winced at the concentration of calories to fluid that must make. Your experience confirms that it may not be the wisest strategy. I think something like 80-90 calories per 8oz is a good ratio when mixing powdered drinks or using gels. Same said for eating solid food with water. Were you exceeding 400cal per hour - that's another benchmark I've heard?
Smart move to combine that kind of training day with relaxation with the family.
Great job on toughing it out inspite of the stomach problems!
NICE job--way to hang tough and hit the triple digit mark! You rock.
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