Friday Photos - Week 2
Wow this past week went by fast. Let's see what happened.
1/08/10 - I look out the back door of our house and I can see my neighbors flag pole. It's always good for judging the wind before going for a ride or run. The Italian flag beneath Ole Glory represents the foreign exchange student they are hosting this school year. There is a story behind it that I don't need to get into. All I will say is that the circumstances reinforces what great people they are.1/09/10 - The cold weather in Ohio has provided some beautiful scenery. I don't think I quite captured the beauty with this picture. From a distance I could see the sun shine off the ice coated branches. It was in the middle of a parking lot so I couldn't spend the time I wanted with this picture.
1/10/10 - On the road again. This was day one on my work near Pittsburgh. There is nothing like having a cold, snow covered car waiting for you outside.
1/11/10 - There is nothing like having health issues when traveling. My eye was bothering me Monday so I saw my eye doc and she gave me some anti-biotics. My eye had an ulcer of some really should stop drinking so much. Once the inflammation kicked in I was really uncomfortable. It sucked. More drugs followed.
1/12/10 - I tried to get creative with the shelves under the TV in my hotel room.
1/13/10 - Each day I would leave my customer as the sun was setting. Watching the sun set was a good sign because my eye was becoming sensitive to the daylight. Combine that with the snow on the ground and it was terrible.
1/14/10 - Ruby gets so excited when I return home after being gone for several days. She dances around and gets hyped up. Of course I do the same thing with Aimee after being away.
Great pics! Well except for the eye thing....ew! :-)
I like the tree pix the best. Your eye looks gross. I'm sure the flash in your eye didn't help.
Ouch about the eye, those pics are great! Ummm, I think the banner is new too, right?
Eric, thank goodness you didn't have an ulcer on your butt!
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