Friday Photos - Week 3
1/15/10 - Back in November, pre-Thanksgiving, I had traveled to a customer location. While at the hotel I forgot to re-pack several items when I checked out. I called the hotel and asked them to retrieve the items so I could pick them up next trip. Next trip and no items. They couldn't find them. Fast forward to January and I get a call from the head housekeeper at said hotel. She had my items locked up where no one could get to them. She sent them to me. I got everything I expected. As you can tell there were some pricey items in there.....Nike running pants, Oakley sunglasses, running socks and shorts. There is probably over $250 of gear in that box.
1/16/10 - Gina (left) and Mary (right) came over to ride their bikes with Aimee. Mary is actually on Aimee's old bike that we loan out to wanna-be triathletes. We are helping them get ready for a sprint. It will be Mary's first tri. We think she could do an Olympic easily. Gotta start somewhere.1/17/10 - The Run for Regis winter trail run. I did the half-marathon option. These people are going out or heading back from the 5 mile loop. You just never know who is going to show up at these things. I need to write a race report on this race.
1/18/10 - My racing team, Snakebite Racing, is having a spin session every Monday night. This is the first night and I got a pic of people doing single legged drills.
1/19/10 - I've been traveling so much this month. I have probably seen the face of the speedometer more than Aimee's face.
1/20/10 - I pulled out of my customers parking lot and pulled up behind this guy in his truck. His plates said New York but his tailgate speaks for the region I was working in. Depressed, blue collar area of Ohio where steel used to reign supreme. His Chevy isn't "Like a Rock".
It's "Like a Freakin' Rock!"....just like the USA
1/21/10 - Leaving the house at O'dark thirty to drive to my customer I do get to see the sunrise. For once the clouds moved out and I was able to watch the sun rise in the clear blue sky as I drove east.
These post are pretty cool< thanks for sharing
Great pics! Love the sunrise...probably because it's so RARE to see blue sky when the sun comes up lately! :-)
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