Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Out of Control

That is essentially how I have felt over the past several months. My posts have been weak....if you want to describe it as that.

I mean...nothing for the month of November?!?!?!? Holy lack of motivation Batman!

I stood in the bathroom the other day and the sight inspired me.

Hey now people....keep it clean. This is a family type blog. It's not like I was taking a wiz or standing in front of the mirror naked....but I have been told.....


Actually I was staring at this.....

Yeah....laundry. And you can ignore my pink bathrobe hanging on the wall.

But I looked at the pile of clothes spilling out of the hamper onto the floor and realized.....
"Yep, that's what my life has been like the past several months."

And I blame work. In this economy I can't complain. I have a job I enjoy and every once in a while it gets super crazy...but I do love a challenge.

My last official race was the DoubleMussel at the end of July. My season was essentially over and that is when a huuuuggggeeeee project at work started to get very active. At times I felt overwhelmed and ready to toss in the towel because everything was piling up and spilling over.....kind of like laundry needing to be washed.

I didn't even want to read my favorite blogs. I would try to catch up in spurts but some of you I am seriously behind. Tri-Diesel: 30 behind. Mel's 2nd chances: 56 posts unread. T-Bone's reports: 27 posts including his Ironman Kona reports. Jess's journey: 56.

So what does one do when faced with what appears to be an insurmountable task.

You sort it out.

It's doesn't look as bad now. Work on each item individually and eventually all the laundry is done.

Mid November the HUGE project started to taper off. There are still some loose ends to tie up but I am able to work on other projects, think about blogging again and start updating everyone on my training.

Aimee was a grounding point during all of this.....just like she always is.

Big things are happening for 2010.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

Welcome back! Hmm, at least I tied the highest number of unread posts with someone else LOL! Sounds like despite being busy things are good, so that's what matters! Looking forward to hearing what you have in store for 2010!

Trisaratops said...

Hang in there, bro! One step at a time, right? Just like an Ironman!

Great to see you guys on Turkey Day!

Christi said...

I can't wait to read about 2010!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Welcome back stranger!!! How the kids? They graduate from college? You a grandparent?

Eric said...

Not funny Big Daddy....especially the last comment. Updates on the familia are in order though.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Had to razz ya for disappearing for a bit, but seriously, glad to see you back

Cyndi said...

Nice to see you back! I can totally relate to the 'laundry'- multiply yours times FIVE (people) instead of two, lol - and see how out of control MY world is! :-) I am ALWAYS 'sorting the dirty laundry'.

I love Big Daddy's grandpa comment, lol. Because you WILL be first, ha ha ha ha...(god willing)

Looking forward to reading about good things for you and Aimee in 2010!