Monday, June 19, 2006

Weekend Update - Sunday Long Run

Crap.....I had this in draft and forgot to post it. Another update from the weekend. Another huge deposit for Lake Placid.

So Sunday was Father's Day. What better way to enjoy the day than to go on a 2.5 hour run. Amanda had to be at work at 10:30AM so I kind of slept in and got ready to run. I dropped off Amanda at work then drove to Hinckley Reservation to run the bridal trails, Buckeye Trail and some hills. I took four Fuel Belt bottles and a flask of Hammer Gel for the run. I was anticipating stopping by the car once to refuel.

I was pleasantly surprised with how my legs were responding after a long day on Saturday. The bridal trails I was on were awesome. Not too hard and forgiving on my legs. I even took some walking trails that I had no clue where they went but that added to the adventure.

A majority of the trails seemed like they were heading uphill, so for quite a way. I was sipping on water every ten minutes when my countdown timer went off. At the 40 minute mark I started taking gel every 30 minutes. I operate best with water and gel on the run. The gas on the run has pretty much disappeared since dropping the gatorade from the run, again too many carbs.

I was going through a bottle per 40 minutes so I didn't need to worry about stopping back at the car. I ran on some of the best trails in the park. Very little traffic and wonderful surface. I was on actual road for maybe 2-3 miles tops.

I finished 30 seconds shy of 2.5 hours. This was a great confidence boost considering the trials and tribulations of the brick on Saturday.

So the entire weekend was great and I learned alot about my nutrition capabilities/needs. Of course this is exactly how it should be, learn during training so you don't make the mistake during a race.

Mountaineer and Ironman, look out.


Cliff said...


Just read your weekend training. Good stuff. I know for the long rides, my stomach has shutted down a few times. I suspect it is a mix of me going too hard on the bike and taking in too much carbs. My solution for now is to slow down and take more water.

Congrats on breaking the 100 miles barrier.

Anonymous said...

So you figured out how to get video on your blog!

qcmier said...

Nice weekend of workouts!!! Can't wait to get the century ride.

The Carriage Trail from the Station Road lot is closer to 6 miles.

Didn't realize Hinckley had bridle trails. I've been hitting the trail along the Valley Parkway. Luckily haven't stop in the poop yet.

qcmier said...

Err, not stop but stepped in the horse poop.